It is strongly encouraged that all visitors evaluate their own health and any risks when planning a visit to El Pueblo Historical Monument, the Plaza Kiosko, and Olvera Street.Fever, New loss of taste or smell, Congestion or runny nose, Diarrhea, Chills, Nausea or vomiting, Fatigue, Sore throat, Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, Headache, Cough, Muscle or body aches. What does kiosco mean in Spanish English Translation kiosk Find more words kiosco See Also in Spanish kiosco de msica music kiosk Similar Words Ver tambin Sinnimo de kiosco Nearby Translations kinesiologa kindergarten kinder kimonos kimono kilovoltios kiosco de msica kioscos kiosko kip kirgus kit All it takes is ONE hit.Visitors who have been exposed to confirmed COVID-19 cases and/or have experienced any of the following symptoms in the last fourteen (14) days are asked to not enter the Kiosko Plaza.All visitors must practice safe social (physical) distancing, which is defined as maintaining a minimum of six (6) feet distance between you and all others who are not current members of your household whenever possible.This face covering must be worn at all times while on property.

All visitors who enter the Plaza Kiosko must wear a face covering, unless under the age of 2.