Magic bean locations ocarina of time
Magic bean locations ocarina of time

magic bean locations ocarina of time

In the Windmill, get onto the ledge near the top to get the Piece of Heart. Once you have done so, visit the Skulltula family for a Heart Piece as a reward. Kill 50 Gold Skulltulas and collect the tokens. Use a Bottle of Blue Fire to melt the Red Ice trapping the Heart Piece in the Ice Cavern. Go down and use the Iron Boots or Gold Scale to dive into the pond and find the Heart Piece. As an Adult, find the hidden hole near a tree between Gerudo Valley and Hyrule Castle. Find the hidden hole between the fences at the entrance to Lake Hylia, go down, and buy the Heart Piece. As Child Link, win the Treasure Box game (use the Lens of Truth to cheat!). As CHild Link, visit the market as night, and complete the mini-quest to find the Lady's Dog. Visit the market as Child Link and win the Bombchu Game. Return to Dampe's race with the Longshot, and beat it in under a minute for a Heart Piece. Find the unmarked grave in the Graveyard and play the Sun Song to it. Return as an Adult, ride the Magic Bean Plant, and break open the crate for your Heart Piece.

magic bean locations ocarina of time


Plant a Magic Bean in the patch by the graves on the left. Win the Gravedigging Tour as Child Link. As a Child, use Deku Sticks to light all the torches, and then throw bombs into the spinning vase. As an Adult, climb to the very top of the fortress, using the Hookshot to latch onto the chest at the top, where the Heart Piece is hidden. As an Adult, win the Horseback Archery minigame. Either as an Adult using the Longshot to latch onto the crates, or as a Child using a chicken to slow your descent, get over to the far ledge with crates on, and bust them open to find a Heart Piece. Plant a Magic Bean on the lowest ledge of the valley, go back as an Adult, and ride up to the top of the waterfall for the Heart Piece.

magic bean locations ocarina of time

As Young Link, plant a Magic Bean left of the Temple Entrance, and revisit it as an Adult to ride to the Heart Piece. Plant a Magic Bean at the entrance to Dodongo's Cavern as Young Link, and hop on as Adult Link to ride up to the ledge above the Caverns entrance, and find a Heart Piece. Plant a Magic Bean in the crater as young Link and visit it as Adult Link for a ride up to this Heart Piece. The Heart Piece is hidden in an archway in the wall. As Adult Link, climb down the crater with the Goron Tunic.

magic bean locations ocarina of time

Below are the locations of all 36 Heart Pieces, allowing you to obtain the maximum of 20 heart containers! Four heart pieces give you a whole heart, and thus an extra heart container. In order to expand this number, you must collect whole hearts (found by beating each of the eight bosses at the end of each dungeon) and also collect heart pieces, found strewn all over Hyrule. You start the game with a measly three heart containers.


Included is a guide to the locations of all those elusive heart pieces, how to sell on each of the masks in the Happy Mask Shop, where to find each and every bed for planting your Magic Beans in, how to find all four bottles for keeping fairies, potions or various other goodies in, and finally how to find all of the 'Great Poes'! This is a mini-guide to some of the 'extras' in Ocarina of Time. If you have the limited edition of Wind Waker, you have Ocarina of Time as well as the previously unreleased 'Master Quest' (essentially a 'remixed' version of OoT). If you have either The Legend of Zelda: Collectors Edition compilation for the GameCube, or the limited edition version of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, then you have Ocarina of Time on your GameCube! On the Collectors Edition disc it comes along with the original two NES Zelda games, and the other N64 Zelda game, 'Majoras Mask'. However, you can also play it on your GameCube! Ocarina of Time? On GameCube? If you're thinking "this is an N64 game!" then you'd be completely right.

Magic bean locations ocarina of time